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As springtime is finally making a big comeback, we'd like to reflect on new beginnings and those feelings of freedom everyone gets around this time of year. That sense of renewal, refreshment and a chance to almost start over slowly infuse our minds; putting a smile on our insides and out.
And we're not the only ones that feel this way -- our children do, as well.
Meet Daniel. As this is only his third spring, you can imagine his excitement as the warm weather invades the outdoors. Last fall, he couldn't quite figure out how to keep the pedals going forward and kept breaking instead. However, six months is an eternity for a three year old and after a quick tip from mom to "keep your heels down," he was off! You could feel his excitement as he confidently tore up the promenade in Riverside Park, pedaling madly until dark.
On the subject of renewal and freedom, what are your favorite "springtime firsts"? The first day you walk outside without a jacket. The first hint of spring bulbs peaking up from the ground. In Daniel's case, his first successful bike ride.
Let us know, we'd love to hear.